Greetings Consciously Evolving Friends!
With the recent increase in solar activity, you may have noticed shifts in your energy, emotions, or even your physical body. X-class solar flares and geomagnetic storms can heighten sensitivity and create imbalances in
our energy fields, making it even more important to stay grounded.
Here are some of the strategies that have been helpful for me over the years:
1. Earth Connection
Take time to connect with nature. Walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, soil, or sand—known as earthing—can help align your energy with the Earth’s frequency, neutralizing any excess energy.
2. Breathwork
Use slow, deep breathing techniques like diaphragmatic breathing or alternate nostril
breathing. These help calm your nervous system and keep your energy stable.
3. Crystal Support
Carry grounding crystals like black tourmaline, hematite, or smoky quartz with you. These powerful stones help anchor your energy and shield you from external disruptions.
4. Visualization
Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the Earth’s core. This simple but effective visualization technique discharges excess energy and keeps you centered.
5. Hydration &
Grounding Foods
Solar activity can affect your physical body, so it’s essential to stay hydrated. Nourish yourself with grounding foods like root vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Avoid overstimulation from caffeine or sugar. Increase electrolyte intake as well as herbal teas to help calm your nervous system.
6. Energy Clearing
Keep your energy field clear by practicing regular aura cleansing or chakra balancing. Tools like sage, sound healing, or energy healing techniques can
help release any energetic debris picked up during heightened solar activity.
7. Limit Electromagnetic Exposure
Geomagnetic storms can increase your sensitivity to electronics, so try to limit your screen time and exposure to devices during these times.
8. Meditation & Centering
Regular meditation or mindfulness practices will help you stay present and less affected by external energetic fluctuations.
Hopefully these techniques will help you stay energetically
balanced and resilient during the next solar flare or geomagnetic storm.
If you feel the need for extra support, consider booking an Energy Clearing Session with me. We can work on dissipating & grounding any excess energy build up in your field together.
Click the button below to schedule a custom energy clearing session for